Wednesday, August 1, 2012

"I dig George!" Archaeology at Ferry Farm

I am a former employee of Ferry Farm, Archaeology Lab in Virginia. I absolutely loved working for this facility and I miss it terribly! The George Washington Foundation held a field school this summer with two universities. When I learned that I might be able to participate as a volunteer, I jumped at the opportunity!  When I worked for Ferry Farm, my duties were usually restricted to the lab (usually). I did not have the opportunity to dig. I volunteered one work-day a week in the field for six weeks.  While volunteering, I recovered a minnie ball, several ceramic sherds and other "typical" historic artifacts. The crew was friendly, outgoing and absolutely wonderful to work with. I had a grand time. A few sherds of Mary Washington's china were recovered from the site, I did not find these sherd but they were still my favorite find of the summer. My favorite modern artifact was the old cassette tape, a little worse for wear. The site was massive and the Virginia summer heat offered no favors.  I would recommend this field school program to any Undergraduate or Graduate student looking for a first-time field school experience.  Unfortunately, I was unable to attend the final week.  I came to Middleburg a few days ago to conduct my thesis research- something that I will be working on over the course of the following year.

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