Historic Fredericksburg Foundation, Inc. Annual Meeting:
2016: Fredericksburg, VA
"A Home, a Hotel and a School: Remembering the Ross House"
See abstract posted below.
Council for Northeast Historical Archaeology Conference:
2015: Fredericksburg, VA
"A Home, a Hotel and a School: Remembering the Ross House"
Second Author: Keri Sansevere
Affiliation: Temple University
Fredericksburg’s own Central
Rappahannock Regional Library (CRRL) was scheduled to undergo parking lot
renovations in 1991, which inevitably triggered an archaeological assessment of
the property. The excavation unearthed approximately 890 artifacts and an
outbuilding associated with an early nineteenth-century occupation. The
artifacts were collected, the report was written, and the project was nearly
forgotten. CRRL employees recently
stumbled upon the artifacts associated with this project, which were in storage
for over a decade. Since its rediscovery, the predominately nineteenth-century
collection has undergone additional analytical study. Geographic Information
Systems (GIS) software was used to explore the history of this space. Geoprocessing
tools were implemented to help visualize the data collected from the 1991
excavation. This paper discusses both
the domestic and scholastic activities that have occurred on the property and
will also address the previous interpersonal relationship between the former
Ross House (Union House) and the Fredericksburg community.
Middle Atlantic Archaeological Conference:
2015: Ocean City, MD
"Bridle Bits and Runways, Fad or Fasion?"
Geographic Information System (GIS) is a computer program that allows a user to blend quantitative research methods and
cartographic resources to analyze data, run
queries, build research models and illustrate spatial information across an
area of interest. Archaeologists often restrict the abilities of this program
to a single site area. This paper will go one step further and use GIS as a way to;
1) illustrate bridle bit densities as they appear across land and time, 2)
observe where stylistic patterns emerge and 3) explore whether these patterns
are influenced by trending fads or practical function. The goal of this presentation
is to demonstrate to new users how GIS can be implemented into their own
artifact research studies. The methods and conclusions in this paper will
supplement the work of a recently submitted Master’s Thesis project, Telling
Time with Equines: An Artifact Typology of the Horse.
"Bridle Bits and Runways, Fad or Fasion?"
Geographic Information System (GIS) is a computer program that allows a user to blend quantitative research methods and
cartographic resources to analyze data, run
queries, build research models and illustrate spatial information across an
area of interest. Archaeologists often restrict the abilities of this program
to a single site area. This paper will go one step further and use GIS as a way to;
1) illustrate bridle bit densities as they appear across land and time, 2)
observe where stylistic patterns emerge and 3) explore whether these patterns
are influenced by trending fads or practical function. The goal of this presentation
is to demonstrate to new users how GIS can be implemented into their own
artifact research studies. The methods and conclusions in this paper will
supplement the work of a recently submitted Master’s Thesis project, Telling
Time with Equines: An Artifact Typology of the Horse.
Middle Atlantic Archaeological Conference:
2013: Virginia Beach, VA
"Telling Time with Equines"
Description: This poster will present twelve diagnostic bridle bit styles that have been identified thus far for a thesis project, which will be complete by May of 2013. The purpose of the project, the investigative methods and a brief concluding summary of the project thus far will be included in the poster. Tabitha will be accepting contact information from those who are interested in receiving an announcement regarding the full-launch of her website "Equidig." Equidig is a site that will present sections of Tabitha's final thesis project to the public. It is Tabitha's goal to use Equidig as a means of presenting other equine studies in archaeology.
Description: This poster will present twelve diagnostic bridle bit styles that have been identified thus far for a thesis project, which will be complete by May of 2013. The purpose of the project, the investigative methods and a brief concluding summary of the project thus far will be included in the poster. Tabitha will be accepting contact information from those who are interested in receiving an announcement regarding the full-launch of her website "Equidig." Equidig is a site that will present sections of Tabitha's final thesis project to the public. It is Tabitha's goal to use Equidig as a means of presenting other equine studies in archaeology.
2012: Virginia Beach, VA
"For Want of a Bit the Bridle Was Lost: Horse Bit Typology on Historic Landscapes"
Abstract:Horses have been a part of New World history since their introduction by the Colonists. Their impact on us is evident in both the documentary and archaeological records. Historically, horses have been used to farm, they have drawn carriages, they have carried their riders to their destinations, and even into battle. Simply put, they played a critical role in early American life. Evidence of horses on the historic landscape appears in the form of bridle bosses, bits, horse shoes, and other varieties of horse furniture. The bridle bit is perhaps the most interesting and confusing object that appears in the archaeological record. How does one identify and then classify a horse bit? Did bit styles change over time? Did they vary based on the size or age of the animal, or from region to region? What do theterms “snaffle” and “curb” mean? What questions can’t be addressed with bits? A careful interpretation of bits excavated from multiple archaeological sites may be used to provide answers to these questions. This paper presents the findings of an on-going historical horse bit study.
Society for Historical Archaeology Conference:
2011: Baltimore, MD
"Minding your TPQ's: Creating a Terminus Post Quem Website for Archaeologists"
Abstract:This paper introduces a new resource that creates a more efficient way of researching and finding TPQs for cataloging artifacts in the archaeology laboratory. Using a blog format to publish a TPQ database online has enabled Ferry Farm lab technicians to search previous TPQs as well as post and edit their own entries. An added feature to this new format is the ability to post pictures with artifacts that have multiple variations and types. This database is shared publicly and can be accessed by lab technicians associated with other sites to assist in resolving similar cataloging issues.(Database link is available on this blogs sidebar, as TPQ Database)
coauthored with Stephanie Wunce
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