Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Learning New Applications

In the last couple of months I have managed to learn more about ArcMap than I ever could in an introduction GIS course. It really is true, what they say about academics and the workforce: you'll learn most of what you need to know on the job. Very true!  I've learned how to use Corel Draw as well, which is similar to a dumbed down version of Photoshop. We have so many maps here, it's unbelievable. I am officially a pro at georeferencing historic maps now. I love seeing where things used to be and how the landscape has evolved over time. I may need to implement some georeferencing in future conference presentations. Hmmm....

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

GIS Mapping

I'm settling into my full-time position here at RGA. Learning the ropes of mapping and database management. I can only present limited details about my actual "work" since so many of my projects are on-going. I will say, we are very busy in the summertime. People will be taking vacation soon and I'll need to be familiar with all of the programs we use here. I might be setting myself a new record...

Saturday, June 1, 2013

ASNJ Presentation

Recently, I was delighted to present a crunched down version of my thesis to the Archaeological Society of New Jersey. I've recently joined the organization and I will be taking over the management of their website. I have quite a few goals in the upcoming year, such as figuring out how to synch our website with Facebook so that every time we update the page- a notice is dropped onto our facebook account for our viewers. I'd like to increase our hits and expand our member base.

I was invited to present on my topic at the last minute, one of the pre-scheduled speakers could not attend. My talk was from 2PM to 2:30PM. I gave a bit of an overview about my project, introduced my typology and provided a few closing conclusions. The presentation was well received and I was very pleased to have such positive feedback. It's good to know that there is an interest in equine archaeology. As an equestrian and archaeologist, I believe I bring a few different perspectives to the table on this subject matter. I would like to expand my interests to include all of equine archaeology in the Mid Atlantic. I want to look at more hardware types, read up on any potential horse burials and research early veterinary practices. I believe there would be a lot of interest in this subject matter. For now, I will take some time off to relax and reflect on my work. I will admit that I'm just a little burned out from the thesis writing process.

Thursday, May 9, 2013

My thesis is ending!

The end of the semester is quickly drawing to a close. It seems that my writer's block has been lifted and I've been writing like a mad-woman. Allow me to offer some advice, don't ever wait until the final hour to start writing the bulk of your conclusions. So treacherous!  I plan to take some time off from writing and researching at the conclusion of my program. I will be working on EquiDig during the interlude.  I also need to distribute copies of my thesis to the parties that assisted me with my research- there are so many people and institutions to thank!

Stay tuned, I'll be back in the future....

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

A Bit of Bits!

I recently learned of a collection of bridle bits I haven't had a chance to look at. They're located at the office of New York Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation.  I had the opportunity to meet with Michael Roets and Paul Huey, who were extremely helpful in providing me access to bridle bits and related field notes. The trip was about 3 1/2 hours from Long Branch, NJ. I left directly after work, then spent the day in Albany collecting data. I had a great time and was very happy to learn of the assemblage. I'm pleased to say that some of the specimens strengthened one of my arguments I've been working on in my thesis for the past several months.  I can't wait to add the information to my results!

Thursday, January 17, 2013


I am pleased to announce that I will begin working for Richard Grubb & Associates on a part-time basis in January, once I return from my winter break. I will be working at least twenty hours a week. I will be in training wheels for a while.  I have completed a class in GIS at the graduate level and I completed a GIS based internship with the Archaeology Department of Mount Vernon, two summers ago. I am really looking forward to learning how to utilize the full potential of this program! It's difficult to take many classes in GIS, mainly because a lot of the classes are naturally geared towards environmental science.  This makes sense, considering what Esri does.  That said, it has been difficult for me to work with GIS inan archaeological setting- so this will be fantastic. I will not only learn how to enhance my GIS skillset but I will begin to learn when it is appropriate to use certain functions in GIS.  I am extremely grateful to have this opportunity and I can't wait to start working! Happy New Year!